1. Data controler information

The data controler for this website is:

3MH, s.r.o.
Bratislavská 78/24
924 01 Galanta

ID: 36790095
VAT ID: SK2022394132

2. Basic principles of personal data protection

Your privacy and protection of your personal data is our priority. We collect personal data about you only in the most necessary scope. We do not sell, rent or publish any of your personal data to third parties for marketing or other undesired purposes.

3. Your rights within General Data Protection Regulation

According to General Data Protection Regulation, which came into effect on May 25th 2018, the individuals who reside in European Union countries have these rights regarding their personal data:

  • right to be informed about collecting of private data – which is the purpose of this privacy policy page.
  • right to access your personal data – which we collected via this website
  • right to rectification/correction of stored personal data – because some personal data like surname and email address can change
  • right to delete the personal data which we collected via this website
  • data portability right – which you can use if you want to take your personal data that we have collected and take it elsewhere
  • right to object the automated profiling using your personal data – which we do not do.


4. Personal data collected through this website

Our website collects some personal data for the following purposes:

4.1. Tracking of website visitors

Most websites including this one collect data about how users interact with it. We use this data to determine how many visitors visit our website, how they became aware of it and what is their virtual path through the website. In order to collect this data, we use the service called StatCounter. This service provides various system data about the visitors, such as geographic location, type of device that visitor uses to browse the website, the type of browser and operation system (OS) of this device and IP address that visitor’s Internet Service Provider (ISP) granted him/her for the access to Internet. Although these data are quite comperhensive, they cannot be used to specifically identify the user. All the visitor data are stored and protected on StatCounter servers.

StatCounter service uses cookies in order to determine if a visitor is a first time visitor or a returning visitor. You can find more information about StatConter cookies by visiting this link:

If you would like to disable Cookies and thus disable the tracking of your visit, you can do so by disabling the usage of Cookies in your web browser. Please consult the Help section of your browser to find out how to disable Cookies.

4.2. Comments on blog articles

On our Blog we publish articles from time to time and we obviously like to hear your thoughts as well. Because of this, the comments under the blogs are allowed. If you decide to comment any of our articles, the system will collect your name, email address, your IP address and time and date of your comment and store these data in our database. However, only your name, time and date of your comment will be visible to other users. If your email address is connected to Gravatar service, your photo associated with this service will be displayed as well.

In order to protect your privacy on the internet, we strongly suggest you DO NOT post any personal data in comments, that could lead to your direct identification.

Your comment and the associated personal data will remain in your database until the time we decide to delete your comment in the process of Comment moderation or if we decide to delete the entire Blog post. If you would like to remove your previous comment or comments, please contact us using the email address you used to comment on our Blog posts. We will delete these comment or comments upon your explicit request.

4.3. Email communication and communication using Contact forms

If you decide to contact us using email or Contact forms, none of the data you send will be stored on this website’s database or any other third party data processors that we use on this website. Your email communication will be encrypted using SHA-2 256-bit key.

4.4. Newsletter

If you decide to sign up for our newsletter, your name and email address will be submitted to MailChimp service which we use for this purpose. These data are stored exclusively on MailChimp servers and not in this website’s database or local computers of our company. Your personal data will remain in MailChimp database until the moment you decide to unsubscribe from our newsletter or until the moment we decide to stop using this service altogether. You can unsubscribe from our newsletter anytime using the “unsubscribe” link which is included in every newsletter we send out.

5. Where and how we store your personal data

This website is hosted on servers provided by Websupport, s.r.o., which is a leading provider of hosting in Slovakia. All communication between your computer and this website is encrypted using HTTPS protocol.

6. Data Breach Prevention

This website uses active measures in order to detect and prevent the potential dangers – namely any unauthorised access to admin environment or database. In case these measures fail and this data breach can affect your data in a serious manner, it is our duty to inform you and any relevant authorities within 72 hours of this data breach. This is a requirement of GDPR and affect all personal data that are stored in a way that can directly identify you as an individual user.

7. Third party data processors.

This website uses several third party data processors to access certain data in order to carry out this website’s purpose. We’ve explained the amount of data processed and the way this data is used in the prior section of this Privacy Policy. The third party data processors we use are either from European Union or from USA. Third parties from USA are compliant with EU-U.S. Privacy Shield.

8. Changes to this Privacy Policy

This privacy policy can change from time to time according to development in the legal or technical (IT) areas. We will not explicitly inform our visitors and users about the changes in this Privacy Policy. Therefore we recommend to check back ocassionally to see if we made any changes. These changes will be displayed in this section.