A quiet September morning on the overlook of Spania Dolina, one of the most unique villages of Slovakia. Spania Dolina is an ancient mining village, located just north of Banska Bystrica in Central Slovakia. It was the source of copper ore and the first mining operations took place in 11th century. To this day, the village and surrounding areas hold about 80 buildings and devices dedicated to mining. The Church of Transfiguration is center of the village.

A quiet September morning on the overlook of Spania Dolina, one of the most unique villages of Slovakia. Spania Dolina is an ancient mining village, located just north of Banska Bystrica in Central Slovakia. It was the source of copper ore and the first mining operations took place in 11th century. To this day, the village and surrounding areas hold about 80 buildings and devices dedicated to mining.  The Church of Transfiguration is the center of the village.

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