The Progression of Days

The older I am, the more I notice the sad, “grown-up” truth: most days just blend together and whizz by you. The things unrelated to photography just start to pile up. Whether you’re dealing with everyday problems, how to keep your business running, personal tragedies, “might-have-beens”, or you’re trying to guide those you’re responsible for, the less time and energy you devote to seeing and appreciating the light around you. I can honestly say I hardly remember the last day I saw (and successfully photographed) a stunning sunrise or sunset.

But then there are days, when you feel the reward came straight from the Heaven. It was the first week of August 2008. The weather was unusually mild and the sky was filled with puffy clouds every afternoon.

Progression of the Day (1)

Progression of the Day (2)

The real drama came the next day. After puffy cloud afternoon, I witnessed everything from menacing storm clouds to subtle blue and red colors of impending dusk.

In the Eye of the Storm

Progression of the Day (3)

Progression of the Day (4)

Progression of the Day (5)

Progression of the Day (6)

I always do a lot of contemplating during my outings. Sometimes, even after a healthy dosage of fresh air, my mind is a bit tired. But during days like this, the mind automatically leaves the difficulties of the ordinary world behind. All you can do is to appreciate the stunning light, draw as much energry from it as possible, and (of course) to capture it the best possible way.

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