Since mid-August 2014, Bratislava has hosted the world-famous exhibition dedicated to pharaoh Tutankhamun. Thanks to great success, the exhibition was extended twice – the last day of exhibition was re-scheduled to January 17th, 2015.
The exhibition is a story of two men. The first one is Tutankhaten – a young pharaoh who re-established Amun as the only Deity in Egypt during his short reign. As a result of this act, he changed his name to Tutankhamun (the living image of Amun). When he died at the age of 19, he waited in the darkness of his tomb for more than 3300 years. His discoverer was Howard Carter – an English archaeologist and Egyptologist, who uncovered Tutankhamun’s intact tomb in 1922 after 7 years of digging in the Valley of Kings.
I visited this exhibition twice. Here are my 24 photos from this beautiful and enlightening exhibition. They were all made during my second visit. (I also posted these photos with a bit more Slovak narrative on
Dennik N)
The treasures of entrance room

Burial chamber with photo projection

The “mess” of treasure room

The wall of burial capsule

The detail of stone sarcophagus

The statuette of a small coffin

The outer coffin

The middle coffin

The cover of inner coffin

Tutankhamun’s burial mask, as seen at the exhibition

Tutankhamun’s visage
The face of Tutankhamun

Tutankhamun’s mask and sunstar

One of Tutankhamun’s boats (a scaled down model)

A treasure case with Anubis statuette (the God of Afterlife)

Statuettes of Tutankhamun

Statuettes of Tutankhamun – a detailed view

Tutankhamun’s chariot – used for parades

Tutankhamun’s chariot – a detailed view

The statuette of Sopdu (God of the Sky)

Tutankhamun’s canopic jar

Vesebt’s (Pharaoh’s servants)

Tutankhamun with blue crown